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kyklyx69 - BANNED

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kyklyx69 banned.

Aggressively belittling and critisicsing other members’ contents solely based on personal dislikes, standards and (partly) mod descriptions
Remarks that can be construed as discriminatory toward groups of people


12 February 2021 - 04:08 PM (pertaining mod not downloaded)
Это комплекс?"_ Не будь печальным, но это детские мечты о больших сиськах
Google translation:
Is this complex? "_ Don't be sad, but these are childhood dreams of big boobs

12 February 2021 - 04:20 PM (pertaining mod not downloaded)
Белая Америка - Я никогда не думал что жопа это ваш фетиш. Это мод для латинос (Они все помешаны на жопах)
У Белых женщин - бёдра и стройность... Латинос - Жопа. кокаин. толерантность
Google translation:
White *country* - I never thought that ass was your fetish. This is a *ethnic group* mod (They're all ass freaks)
White women have hips and slenderness ... *ethnic group* - Ass. cocaine. tolerance

12 April 2021 - 11:06 AM (pertaining mod not downloaded)
Бог храни Америку !!!!
Джонни сделали гомосексуалистом это мерзко
Google translation:

God bless *country* !!!!
*game character* made homosexual it is disgusting

25 April 2021 - 08:03 AM In response to post #92552588. #92557118, #92565953, #92919418, #92938853, #92959838, #93115003, #93247828, #93250593
I expressed my opinion. I don’t have to praise what I don’t like! Laugh as much as you like, but this Johnny looks like a woman with a beard, you have every right to love hermaphrodites, and I have my own opinion and do not impose it on anyone. I shouldn't praise what I don't like, and you shouldn't please my tastes.
Edited by kyklyx69, 25 April 2021 - 08:13 AM.

25 April 2021 - 08:26 AM in response to post
#92552588. #92557118, #92565953, #92919418, #92938853, #92959838, #93115003, #93247828, #93250593, #93637888
Я никогда не был троллем вы сделали то что вам нравится и это замечательно! У моей дочери дочери пирсинг, мой сын носит длинные волосы и я не лезу к ним с приказами, как им выглядеть. У меня есть правило - живи как ты хочешь и не мешай жить тем, кто рядом.
Edited by kyklyx69, 25 April 2021 - 08:29 AM.
Google translation:
I've never been a troll, you did what you like and it's great! My daughter's daughter has piercings, my son has long hair and I don't go to them with orders of how they should look. I have a rule - live as you want and do not bother those who are close to you.

27 May 2021 - 09:21 AM (pertaining mod not downloaded)
Is it possible to replace the icon in the inventory with an image of a helmet and not a pillowcase that the Arabs wind around their head? It seems they call this rag hijab.

27 May 2021 - 09:40 AM
Is it possible to replace the hijab icon with the helmet image in the inventory? The helmet is displayed on the hero, but in the inventory there is an icon - a hijab. I cried...
Edited by kyklyx69, Today, 09:44 AM.

From Nexus Policies and Guidelines/Forum and Commenting Guidelines (excerpt) - https://help.nexusmods.com/article/22-forum-and-commenting-guidelines

Be Civil!
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.
Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

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