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WIP - Female Light Mage Armor


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EDIT 9/21

Yes. I really am still working on this. Ha!

Anyway, I'm in the process of integrating the armor into the world. I am hung-up on a couple things though, the biggest involving a spell.


Question: Would it be bad if this mod required SKSE?? I have worked out a method to allow the player to reinforce the armor with a special spell, to ensure that it is useful over a long period of time. There are two possible ways to do this: The SKSE version is far more simple and elegant, and allows NPC's to benefit from the "reinforcements".... but would be useless without the script extender. The Vanilla version is not as flexible, a bit messier, and would require lots of workarounds to let NPC's get the upgrades (so I probably won't bother).... but doesn't require a script extender.


Personally, I <3 SKSE. But I could see why someone would be irritated that an armor mod would require it.




Hi everybody!


Um. So. I've been working on some custom armor from scratch for quite some time, and it is slowly nearing completion. The armor was initially made for myself, and is something of a "learning mod" where I have been teaching myself modeling and all the ins and outs of adding new content to the game. It is by no means perfect, but despite all that I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'd like to release it to the community eventually.


That's were you guys come in! As I am putting finishing touches on the initial 0 weight model, I'd love to hear opinions and suggestions from players and those who have more experience creating armor than I.


Brief concept overview:

First of all, this armor was created with a specific character in mind, so the design reflects that. I currently don't have the intention of making a male version, as that would take a ton of work and I do not really have the drive to do it. :C (Sorry Dovahbros, I really don't hate you. It's just. Yeah.) This armor was designed for a lightly armored spellsword/mage, and is meant to look well-worn and rugged. It is not meant to be flashy, expensive, super sexy, or elaborate - rather, blend into the vanilla game. It should appear to be well-made, but with patches and alterations made after a lot of use and travel. I am planning on calling it "Hedge Mage Armor". I don't believe that name has been taken, so I'm calling dibs. :tongue:


Lots of big pics below!


Marmoset Toolbag shot. (For funsies.)



From various angles without ENB (Click the spoiler, plz!):



It's pretty low-poly - about the same as Beth's meshes. I am looking into fixing up some of the awkward pointy areas on the hood, bewbs, and left-hand "sleeve", provided I can keep my UV's mostly intact. (Call this a newbie mistake. If I knew what I know now about mesh-flow, my approach would have been different.) I am in the process or sorting out small clipping issues, and dealing with some small but unfortunate UV stretching.


Any additional suggestions are welcome. :smile:

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Thanks. ^_^


I hope to put out some kind of beta soon, too. My schedule can be a tad unpredictable so I can't say when, but I'll try to keep this thread updated as I work out the kinks.


This would also be a good place to ask what kind or armor rating and enchantments ya'll think this thing should have? I'll probably make it somewhere between leather and Thieves' Guild - any more would be pushing it, in terms of how sturdy it visually appears. Even that might be overkill, but I want it to remain useful well into the game. For my personal playthrough, I am going to combine it with some customized bound armor spells that will stack onto the overall armor rating. I wonder if there is another way to incorporate a similar mechanic? A way to "reinforce" it with spells perhaps? I absolutely cannot release my personal bound armor spells, as they are just alterations of existing mods.


Anywho... ideas are welcome!

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  • 2 months later...

When will this armor be available for download?

When it's done. ;) I don't really have a deadline. If I did, I promise I would let you all know. I do have a day-job, sooooo free time is entirely dependent on my weekly schedule.

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  • 1 month later...

Copied from main post. Help me decide, plz!


Question: Would it be bad if this mod required SKSE?? I have worked out a method to allow the player to reinforce the armor with a special spell, to ensure that it is useful over a long period of time. There are two possible ways to do this: The SKSE version is far more simple and elegant, and allows NPC's to benefit from the "reinforcements".... but would be useless without the script extender. The Vanilla version is not as flexible, a bit messier, and would require lots of workarounds to let NPC's get the upgrades (so I probably won't bother).... but doesn't require a script extender.


Personally, I <3 SKSE. But I could see why someone would be irritated that an armor mod would require it.

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  • 2 months later...
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