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ENB transparent textures


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I have a texture bug when I use ENB.

The problem is - when Ambient Occlusion in ENB options is enabled some detalis of the interior become transparent.

When AO is off everything is ok, but it doesn't look so nice..

How it looks:


I'd already added these strings to my SkyrimPrefs.ini [Display] section:



and I made SkyrimPrefs.ini file "read-only".

I tryed to back-off my Nvidia drivers to previous version and I also tryed to update them to the last version.

I disabled antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and FXAA in Skyrim Launcher options and in Nvidia control panel (for both Skyrim.exe and skse_loader.exe).

No result.

Have no ideas what to do next... :(

Edited by Fuse00
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that's really weird... assume you have AO disabled on driver level as well (tho that shouldnt cause issues besides a performance hit).


How about you try and enable AO on driver level and disable it on ENB, does that work, or has the same behavior?

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All I needed to do is to install 314.22 drivers for Nvidia :)

Previously, I had 311 and 320 then, both of them are conflicting with ENB. Now with 314.22 it is ok.


prod80, thank you for your answers!

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