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Looking for Modding Partnership!


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----WHAT I OFFER----


I have a lot of modding ideas, but in the past, I had the best luck creating "player home" type mods.


I have made some really cool ones, and I am currently beginning the best yet!


My specialty IMO is the art of object placement. Similar to having a good eye with a camera, I can lay out a nice yard, and interior.


You will NOT find any floating corners, or buggy furniture, because as simple as these mistakes can be, I'm VERY thorough, and cautious. (OCD lol)




Out of the handful of mods I posted on Steam, I ended up deleting all but one.


Ironically, the one I left on Steam, was the first one I made. The second one was very popular, but I was a bit embarrassed honestly by the sheer amount of crap piled into it. It was sexy looking, but WAY overdone, and crashed some peoples computers from too much plants.... basically.


"Hunting Camp - Player Home" I think, is the name of the one I left on Steam, or I can send you a copy. ( I would need to get it from Steam myself lol)


It is a camp near Riverwood. Very simple, my first work ever, but heh, people like it. 4 star rating for over a year now.




Currently I'm working on a new Player Home type project, that will involve a yard, an interior, and a "private grove" out the back door. (location is placed on edge of world space)


Now I have a good feeling about the place itself! As I said above, making beautiful places is something I have excelled at in CK.


However, I would like to do more than place it on the map, and throw in a key.


I would like to add some lore, mostly through a few books/journals, most of this stuff I can do myself.






Basically a bit of quests, and npcs. I would give you completed project, and you would work your end of the project, and then release it, with both our names on it.


Simple quests, and Simple NPCs. Perhaps also creative input on the storytelling, or just a tech guy, who lets me do all the story, and you just make it all happen.


Here is (without giving away my whole idea) the basics of my current project.




At first I imagine when you fist escape from Helgen, upon getting your quest to go to Riverwood, you would also get a "Vision" from.... someone, maybe a god.


This vision, would begin a quest, to "follow the voice" or whatever, leading you to the estate. (For now lets just say "Dovahome")


When you arrive, I would like a simple pet dog, "or fox!" in the kennel, and a caretaker. This caretaker, I will of course have a story for, yada yada, so basically, besides the lore, I would want her to mind her own business, and move about the yard, the home, and all that.


So now we have a basic quest to lead you here. 2 NPCs, a simple pet (easy), and a house lady, with much more extensive AI packages (a bit harder)


And that is my basic wishes to start.




IF it turns out to be awesome, and we decide to add more quests, more lore, and whatever, then I would be down with that also!


OK well I hope to get some offers!



P.S. Although I'm not a pro modder, I do my homework. I do not produce garbage. Because I am a perfectionist, please only offer to work with me, if you have also done your homework. If you are amateur, and code a buggy quest, it would cheapen my home, PLZ DONT! LOL



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If you do your homework you'll know that simple NPCs and Simple quests are quite easy to make. Just use the CK wiki tutorials.


You really dont need a partner for that part. Learn it yourself, it's quite rewarding

Edited by Noobo
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I know this, but that is no reason to not pursue a partner.


I appreciate your suggestion, and I do intend to do many things on CK, but for now, I would like to create a rad scene, and then let a partner add the other stuff.


Some good things can come from working together, that I may not see alone.


Also, if the person has a deeper understanding of quest creation, they may add a lot more than whatever simple quest I would be able to do at first.

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