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When brawling! They think I'm serious!


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So I have a huge problem...I think it started after I installed the Solstheim-expansion... Whenever I brawl with someone, fx. When I need to show how I fight in order to join the Companions, my opponent suddenly takes it the wrong way and think I'm out to kill them...so they try to kill me and chase me around!! :( And that prevents me from completing some quests.... HEELP PLEEASE! :[

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OH, I thought I was alone in this!! :P No I didn't have any poison or magic on me when brawling... And It isn't just the "joining the Companions"-quest... Whoever I brawl with will suddenly try to kill me! And then I have to run for it!! :P It's ridiculous! I did the same thing loading a saved game where I HAD joined succesfully... But I like to make new characters all the time >_<

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guess they dont like you then :) in all honesty, when you hit me in the face i'll also try and drop you off the nearest high-point :D


all kidding aside, I dont really know why they would go from brawling to killing you... no brawling related mods installed? Might be somewhere in there, not sure tho...

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Yeah, I suppose people just don't like me very much! :[ So depressing!



You've probably got a mod that has a constant magic effect applied to your character, a la cloak spells.


Get this.

Thank you for the link... I will try it out and return

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