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Skyrim Infinite Steel Arrows


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(NOTE: These arrows are absolutley free unless you take a carriage to Solitude, meaning the infinite fountain of arrows will be around 60 gold, so dont stress too much)


Ever need a ton a of arrows to go against that dragon you've been preparing for? Well here you go,( this isn't a glitch, don't worry you aren't a cheater) the infinite arrow "fountain". If you go to Solitude, and walk all the way down the street until you walk through a large arch, then take a left, and the another left around the rocks, you should reach a wall with another gate-way arch in it. Inside there are guards shooting at targets. When you initially get there, there should be around 30 - 40 arrows on the target you can take legally. Let the guard keep shooting, and he will never run out of arrows. I got around 142 STEEL arrows in under 10 minutes. Im sure there are hacks and cheats to do things like this faster and more proficiently, but if you want a clean/legit game, you can use this to get those Dragon Slaying shafts of Sharp-ti-tude!

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