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Mod Request... Monty Python's Holy Grail.


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The idea hit me while watching the movie, A Monty Python "Holy Grail" questine

The quest leads the player through the events of the movie, I know this can be done because some of the best mod creaters play this game



If this would be to much of a single project it could be broken down into smaller parts or just elements of the movie put in such as an Epic battle with a knight guarding a bridge you need to cross or a maybe a band of "Knights of NEE" to fight or a castle called "The Castle Anthraxx" which is full of women that need a good spanking.... Random guys in town with carts calling out "Bring Out Your Dead"



There are so many possibilties for this but sadly my modding skill is from back in the days on making unreal tournament maps with the Unreal Ed tool and clueless on this games moding



Thanks for your time everyone

Edited by webgenius
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  • 3 months later...

This would be absolutely awesome! I came here after thinking about the scene where the band of heroes tries to get into the castle and the french knight says something along the lines of "you silly english kniggits.. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberry!" Would be nice for a random event on enemy outposts

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