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Animal Farms


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I, firstly, apologize for requesting three mods in less than an hour, but I digress. Animal Farms. A way to build a food resource that provides a particular settlement with a steady supply of a particular kind of meat (based on farm choice) and fertilizer (from the "butchered" corpses). Basically, a Brahmin farm might be a 3x3 lot that has 4 Brahmin coded to roam that lot, and that's it. They just vibe within their confines, and a settler tends to them. Nothing special has to happen.

I only really want 4 kinds of farms.

All with varying degrees of difficulty to acquire the blueprint for, if you so choose.

A Molerat Farm.

A Brahmin Farm.

A Radstag Farm.

A Mirelurk Farm.

They could function similarly to cages, where if the creature is normally hostile, they in this case are docile obviously, but they attract more attacks from hostile NPC's of the same species.

Functionality is the goal, but any of the extra stuff is cool.

Just make the meat/fertilizer/leather appear in the workbench, and I'll make believe we slaughtered one of them.

Thanks for reading!

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