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A Covenant with a God?


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Everything has it's price?


My idea is like a high risk, high reward alternative to the star sign system. At the beginning of the game you take a deal with one God that gives you a special ability that either has a condition that must be met, a vulnerability, or both.


For instance, if you take the Warrior stone, your God grants you increasing strength and resistance from staggers and knockdowns the more damage you deal, but it will also strip you of defense, making you receive more damage as you deal more damage. Instead of outright death, your failure injures you, making you slow, and the only way to heal is to pay your Covenants price (could be any number of things, I haven't decided yet) Being defeated in this state is the final death.


Steed could be similar, granting you massive boosts to speed for each enemy you face, or for consecutive attacks making you faster when outnumbered, but you lose the boost and become slow if your attacked.


Ritual I've been having a lot of fun with. Imagine it grants you massive increases to magic and summoning limits each time you are mortally wounded. You are easily staggered and when you are defeated, you weaken more, stagger more, but become better at magic. I haven't thought much on balancing this, but there is a final death at some stage, and it may even be an unpredictable one, like each time you get killed it's a dice roll of whether or not you reload your game or come back weaker with undead magic boosts.


Those are just a few of my ideas, but I'm curious what others could add :)

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