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travelling NPC or NPC's following an route


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for my own mod i need a way to adopt the script from original game, which allowed npc's to travel around. Like the Hunter's by Horse do that or better Tasgal the minstrel.


an npc just random appear somewhere would not be so elegant. This way i will use only if nothing else would help.


Maybe someone has an idea how to implement something like that ? Script Example or what ever needed ? Hope you understand my english (not native language).





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Unfortunately Tasgar doesn't actually travel, as such - he's a random event, just appearing there like M'aiq the Liar. However, I remember doing this for one of my vendor NPCs I made, I think it was setting up a schedule. (Sorry, it's been a few months, I don't have details.) I think it was copying travel package from, say, a farmer who goes out to tend his fields at a certain time, and modifying it so that they would travel to different cells. I chose Inns just because it was simple.

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Oh ok then there was hid behind Tasgar less than I thought. I think I understand quite well without details as you where proceed. I would then probably only have to move that actor away a bit from the Inn or location.


Thanks to you for the tip - I've definitely something where I can start.

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