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Adventures in Modding


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Hello Everyone, I'm a relatively new Modder to Skyrim, but I've dabbled in other games and coding in general. Summer has started for me here and I'm going to have a bunch of free time on my hands. So I was sifting through the Steam workshop and stumbled across a mod to allow Green Arrow as a follower. And I thought to myself: "What if there was a mod that allowed you to be a superhero and fight crime alongside GA?" So, I decided to finally dust off my keyboard and start trying to Mod Skyrim.


So, I'm posting here. From what I've seen so far from the rest of the site, the Skyrim players and Modders of the world are a pretty decent group of people. And I was hoping for your input. It's gonna take me a while to get into the controls and even longer to actually get a finished product (Like I said, it's summer. I've got the time :thumbsup: ) but regardless I was looking for ideas about what it's going to need to be a really fun experience. And if anyone wanted to help out I would be more than appreciative.


My plan:

  • Create a "Separate World" theory where a quest/ New beginning sends you to a World of Heroes
  • Upon reaching the world you are immersed into the lives of Super-Heroes and Villains who reside there
  • The World will have both Unique and Classic Heroes and Villains who are scripted to do everything from patrol to fight each other.
  • The Player will be able to learn powers and pick up "Super-Suit" items to make themselves stand out in the world (You know, the more I type this the stupider it seems, and please tell me if it is)
  • And all of it will occur in a Skyrim-esque world, with Dragons and Classic Skyrim Enemies as well as quests that lead you against Super-Enemies that pose a greater challenge.

Like I said, I'm looking for input, ideas, and generally a supportive group of people that it seems you guys are. This may end up just being for personal amusement and a way to pass the summer, but I'm looking forward to it anyway. Please leave any remarks you have below, and thanks for listening to my rambling idea! :smile:

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That sounds pretty neat. (I'm sure if you're the type of person who wants to use a superhero overhaul, you won't find something like getting super-armor stupid. :P ) It's a big undertaking, so good luck. ^^

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