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Just had my pc updated, Now I'm getting occasional CTDs. I seem to remember there was something to do with the prefs or Ini which stopped this.


Unfortunately the guy who updated for me deleted all my mod keepers and |I can't remember what is was I need to do.


I run Win7 as most do now I think.





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There are countless reasons why a game will CTD. You need to provide a lot more information.


Post your BOSS log (with the messages), include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen.


Describe the CTDs in more detail. Completely random? Reproducible? Mostly in interior cells or the worldspace? During combat? With followers? Started happening since you installed mod X? Anything that will suggest a 'pattern' which will help narrow down on the culprit(s).


What is your system specs?


List any mods you use which do not come with plugins (e.g. texture or body replacers).


Have you made any edits to the game ini files?

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