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A tutorial on how to actually make your own weapon?


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Okay, so I would like to try to make a weapon in the Creation Kit, but all of the tutorials I'm finding are about modifying existing weapons and placing the modified versions in game. I want to know how to actually make my own weapon, in another program, and then put it in to the creation kit. Any advice is helpful, thanks.

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You'll need Blender or 3ds Max (or others - Maya, Cinema4D... etc.), Gimp or Photoshop, and Nifskope. Once you choose a modeling program and get familiar with the basics, just use your favorite search engine and look for tutorials. I typed "Blender sword tutorial" into google and got a ton of useful hits. Or try "low poly sword tutorial". Or even "Skyrim custom weapon tutorial insertprogamnamehere". From there you'll need to pinpoint a tutorial on how to export a nif from your chosen program. 3dsMax has a nice one, if you can get a hold of the program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVPicWtxTWk The rest is rather similar to modifying existing weapons, like the CK tutorials describe.


Google is your friend. ;)

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I found this guy's tutorials to be very helpful. It is in four parts that give you a good guide on the steps to take.


My list of programs

Blender(Free)-for making a low poly mesh. You need Blender 2.49b and plugins to work with .nif files for skyrim. (I use Portable Blender Revision 8

Cinema 4d(Not Free)- also for making low poly meshes. But i find Blender to be better. I only use it to orient my meshes.

3DS Max (not Free) is good i hear, but i would not know. I almost bought it, but you need a 3d graphics card for it to work.

Zbrush-(Not Free) For high res sculpting- Very useful for creating an awesome Normal Map. Very Expensive though. (I was lucky in getting it)

Gimp(Free) or Photoshop (Not free)- for colors and textures.

Nifskope 1.1.0 rc4 is what i use.

And of course, the Creation kit.


It may seem frustrating or even impossible at times, but keep at it! There is no better feeling than killing a bandit with a weapon you made.

And another piece of advice: Do not try to make a bow as your first weapon mod lol. It did not end well for me.


And yes, just as Elleh said Google is your friend! :biggrin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_568907&feature=iv&src_vid=6t_yECNDXNA&v=8hYHj2Dy49s

Edited by edude69
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