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Hi I was looking for some cool weapon mods and I didn't find what i was looking for and i just decided to ask here so if someone could make weapon of berserker uruk-hai from lord of the rings two towers http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/415E...L500_AA280_.jpg


I was thinking something like that. and btw. sry for my bad english.

Here, a well done Uruk-Hai set - not exactly the sword you wanted, but an alternative ;) These orcish swords are some nice, brute addition too.

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  • 3 months later...

Heh, I plan on expanding that set titi posted to include most if not all Uruk equipment. It includes the berserker helmet already, I modelled the sword already


and am working on the loincloth right now. No promises on release though, depends on how much time I have to get them textured and figure out how to get them properly ingame.

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