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Shout Combinations - Effect Combos


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The lack of any form of in-game spellmaking is depressing, but a topic for another time.


I'm thinking in-game combinations of shouts; that is, through one manner or another, combining say, Force with Freezing to send a corpsicle 30 feet yonder-ways at a high speed. Sounds like good fun, I must say. There are limitless combinations, many of which would be invaluable, like Marked For Death and... uh. Anything.


Perhaps as a deterrant to using too many shouts-in-one, some form of limitation would be necessary.. something like adding all the times of each shout together (the time of the most powerful unlocked section of each shout, that is), or maybe limiting the maximum combination to three, two, five, etc.


Now, I can see some potential shout incompatibilities, namely Whirlwind Sprint and... anything but slow time. There would need to be a disabling effect on the kinds of shouts that wouldn't make sense logically or from a dev point of view to be combined. Next, a form of in-game design is necessary. I don't know much of scripting, so alas, I cannot give anything but suggestion. My thinking was a sort of crafting table-esque "Shout Station" or "Shout Shrine", with all possible combinations listed as options for the user to make, if they have the required shouts (and souls?)


Lastly, to spur potential motivation, I've compiled a list of possible shout combinations that I believe would function *wonderfully* in combat and outside of.




  • Elemental Fury + Marked For Death
  • Frost Breath + Fire Breath
  • Disarm + Dismay




  • Disarm + Unrelenting Force
  • Become Ethereal + Call for Valor
  • Slow Time + Unrelenting Force


These are just the few I could come up with. What are your thoughts? Does this seem plausible?

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