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Service Rifle Question - How to make Different meshes but same attachment?

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Remember how the Service Rifle have different receiver for different ammo, with different magazines?


But the kicker is that the magazine mesh changes despite having the same attachment, how does one do that?


How can I make a different magazine show up upon a different receiver, but still using the same attachment?

Edited by The6thMessenger
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As far as I'm aware - and a more senior modder could probably prove me wrong - it's not possible. From what I've seen of the service rifle, the SMG and 7.62mm lower receivers have the magazine mesh integrated into the lower receiver mesh itself. The 5mm lower, meanwhile, just uses the same model as the 5.56mm lower.


I would guess that this could probably be done with custom animations, or maybe some tricky NIF editing, but I don't think this can be done with OMODs alone.

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