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Any mod suggestions for a role playing?


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I am getting my first PC soon and have never done mods for Skyrim, I have got a few ideas of what I want so I will list them but if you have any others that I should get could you list it please.


First off the RP I will be doing is not running everywhere and no fast traveling at all. Eating meals every day (if I have food) sleeping every night. Not over loading myself only carry what I need or what a real person can carry. At the start of the game I will be doing a but of hunting and bounty jobs for Jarls, moving onto quest later on.


Mods I want:


One that makes the lighting better so torchers are useful.

One that lets you go camping.

One that makes the weather effect you.

One that lets you have more that one follower plus your follower can ride horses.

One that give your horse armour.

Some armour mods but I am still looking to see what I like.

The one that fills out Solitude so it looks like a real capital.

The Solitude docks one.

The one that makes Dawnstar into a bigger city with walls and more buildings.

One that puts a wall around Morthal.

One that fills out Whiterun and adds lots more markets making it look like the trading hub of Skyrim.


So have I missed anything that a role player would need?


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Well, it sounds like the first one you want is Frostfall. It makes the weather affect you and lets you go camping. Wet and Cold goes with it well.


You also probably want UFO or AFT, plus Convenient Horses, for your followers. I don't use followers so I can't give an opinion on which is better.


A lot of the city expansion ones look kind of unstable or are abandoned, but I searched "Whiterun" and got a few that looked interesting, so I can just suggest doing that.


Also, I'd say you should look through GEMS, which is a guide to excellent mods.

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