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ENB: increasing dungeons light but not pubs and houses ?


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Hi all, i had found a good compromise with the lighting but now i had to reinstall everything and cannot find how to fix it properly again.


Pubs and houses look way too bright and dungeons way too dark.


I am playing with these settings here in the ENBseries.ini,





but if i raise the value, dungeons look ok, but houses and pubs look even more bright. Is there a way to increase the light only of dungeons?


I have CoT installed and didn't install warm interiors,


Thank you if you can help




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Which ENB you have, which lighting mod, do you have 'FixedEyeAdaptation' installed by any chance together & loaded after RLO or ELFX, do you have any mods replacing image spaces inside cities together with a lighting mod, do you have (Further) Darken Dungeons for ENB installed?

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Here dude:


i have project ENB, relghting skyrim only as ligthing mod, i have to check at home if i have fixed eye and further dark dungeons...i guess so though.


mods replacing image spaces...dunno what this would be..

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Alright -


FixedEyeAdaptation has issues with lighting mods - always make sure you loaded it before any lighting mods or your interior light will be vanilla. Further Darken Dungeons make dungeons dark, but dont touch towns - so if you combine those 2: you have very dark dungeons and very light towns. This might be the case as Project ENB comes with both those mods.


You cannot edit the ENB settings you mentioned when your interior city/town and dungeon lighting is off balance because those settings influence both. If you're interested in having ENB with RLO and CoT - I have a package based on Project ENB.

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thanks dude, i am sure i put 'relighting skyrim" as last in the order.


Will try to remove "further dark dungeons" if it's there then.


thanks for your package offer, i have already all the information u sent me in a file. might try it some other day and see how it goes

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