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FPS related thread


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@FiftyTifty: How is this not relevant? :psyduck: I posted a link to a blog - NOT a specific answer to a vague question. Did you bother to read past the first part of the blog? It is nearly 50 pages of troubleshooting suggestions for multiple games gleaned from years of answering the same questions. And FPS is featured in several parts.

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@FiftyTifty: Did you bother to read past the first part of the blog? It is nearly 50 pages of troubleshooting suggestions for multiple games gleaned from years of answering the same questions. And FPS is featured in several parts.


I did,and i must say that it was 50 pages of wasted time.Nothing personal.Ofcourse it was fun to read a banal tips that i think any boy, who use computer, should know and remember it as his own name,but which of " not a system requirments related problem" was not clear? You could just ask if something was required to give a full answer. I guess it is my turn to say,did you bother to read first comment?




I posted a link to a blog - NOT a specific answer


Indeed,but I can not understand how advertising a link with a ton of non question related information can help me.No offense.

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Not a system requirement does NOT mean the problem cannot possibly be related to the system. All that means is the system in question actually meets the minimum posted system requirement according to the game maker.


A background program hogging resources is NOT a system requirement problem - as the SYSTEM does meet minimum requirements. However, it does cause a reduced FPS in games because it is using system resources that could be used by the game.


If I see a question that CAN be answered with a single tip. I do link directly to that tip in the blog instead of making someone read the entire thing - This question was asking for suggestions to improve FPS - which is a vague and amorphous thing with many possible answers. (The easy answer is to kill off anything that adds eye candy as you are trading FPS for graphic enhancements.) :rolleyes:


Somehow you seem to think I spent hundreds of hours on this blog for some reward. I make absolutely NO money off of that blog. It is hosted by the FREE zetaboards and any advertising is from them and any income from those advertisements go to them to cover their cost of the resources they allow people like me to use for free. If you demand an ad free FREE forum provider, let me know where to find it and I might switch. But if you are willing to put up with a few ads for free advice, and my banal prose, you are welcome to read as much - or as little as you choose. I don't even keep track of how many people visit as that was not the purpose of creating it. :P


If you don't care for my blog ( It's actually a forum as that format better suited my needs), please feel free to create one of your own :thumbsup: - It's actually very easy, and if you don't like the zetaboard setup, you can just google for a free forum or blog site - there are quite a few. (all supported by advertising though) You can even use anything from mine that you do find useful - no need to attribute it to me, but I would appreciate attributing the others who's tips I use. - I really don't mind as (contrary to what some people seem to think) the purpose is to help people with their problems. :cool:

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What a bunch of nonsense.


The OP asked for performance *TIPS* not some gargantuan troubleshooting guide for several games. It's not hard to understand. Stop trying to be all high and mighty. Just give the guy a couple tips and be on your way.


@OP Do you have an AMD GPU? If you do, get RadeonPro. 'Tis a nice program with some very useful performance-related features (mipmap settings, FPS limiter, etc).

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If I see a question that CAN be answered with a single tip. I do link directly to that tip in the blog instead of making someone read the entire thing




No doubt,pal.Sad that my question was not worthy enough for a single tip.I guess that other two guys were not soo picky.


I can not understand how advertising a link with a ton of non question related information can help me






Somehow you seem to think I spent hundreds of hours on this blog for some reward. I make absolutely NO money off of that blog. It is hosted by the FREE zetaboards and any advertising is from them and any income from those advertisements go to them to cover their cost of the resources they allow people like me to use for free. If you demand an ad free FREE forum provider, let me know where to find it and I might switch. But if you are willing to put up with a few ads for free advice, and my banal prose, you are welcome to read as much - or as little as you choose. I don't even keep track of how many people visit as that was not the purpose of creating it. :P


If you don't care for my blog ( It's actually a forum as that format better suited my needs), please feel free to create one of your own :thumbsup: - It's actually very easy, and if you don't like the zetaboard setup, you can just google for a free forum or blog site - there are quite a few. (all supported by advertising though) You can even use anything from mine that you do find useful - no need to attribute it to me, but I would appreciate attributing the others who's tips I use. - I really don't mind as (contrary to what some people seem to think) the purpose is to help people with their problems. :cool:



I am sure that itt was very important to share all of this information with me.Helped me a lot :geek: .Most importantly,question related! :excl: ;D.I appreciate your desire,as FiftyTifty said, "to be all mighty" ,i do,but life has taught me that sometimes it is better to remain silent.




Yup.AMD Turion.Thanks mate.Never heard before.It will replace Catalyst or i should use them both? Will appreciate if you explain what "OP" means.

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