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Carrying across edits from one mod to another (USKP)...


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Essentially, I have a fairly sizeable esp for an established mod. Checking it with tes5edit flings up a few errors in regards to not carrying across changes from the USKP - most of which I've already dealt with. However, I have an issue with a small selection of NPCs.

They've been edited quite extensively by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch - much more so than my mod does. I attempted to simply remove my edits entirely, so as to then import the base NPC from the USKP and modify that one, but attempting to erase the NPC's record threatens to erase a lot more than that in the CK. I figure it would be a terrible idea to delete the NPC from the ESP entirely if it was also going to edit a bunch of records i didn't want to touch?

So, essentially, my question is this: is there a way to import the changes from one mod into another to then edit in your esp, IF that reference has already been edited in your game? I know I can do it from scratch, but I'm now having trouble returning those NPCs to their base state. Can I do it with tes5edit, for example, or is it safe to delete the NPC from my esp in spite of the warnings?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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