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I just reinstalled the game and downloaded a bunch of mods. Mostly graphic enhancements, things like better bodies and heads.


Galn (same as my username on here) is a Breton Necromancer/Mage/Warrior/Thief.


Custom class... skills are as follows... I picked skills that I wanted to have higher in the beginning of the game, all of the magic colleges are his highest skills already, but if you'll notice none of them are primary or secondary skills. This way I can limit his advancement through the levels or have him practice the right skills and advance fairly fast. As I go through the Thieves Guild Quests he'll advance a few levels because i'll be learnng a lot of Security and sneak. One other thing I've been doing is making sure I dont spend my stats raises on stats that have more than a 2X multiplier so I'll be ableto attain a fairly high level in the end.


Primary - Blunt, Marksman, Security, Sneak, Speechcraft

Secondary - Mercantile, Athletics, Acrobatics, Alchemy, Enchant


Currently level 8, am a Magician in the Mages Guild and have joined both the Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild, but havent done any quests for them yet. I just went to Mzuleft and was handed my head on a platter, twice. That orc is tough. A lot of my skills are in the 50-60 range. I havent started the main quest at all yet. I plan on doing lots of guil quests before I start that with this character.

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One other thing I've been doing is making sure I dont spend my stats raises on stats that have more than a 2X multiplier so I'll be ableto attain a fairly high level in the end.

...is this so? say I've got 100 for everything, but only a level say 29, does that mean I'm not going to advance any more levels? It's probably a pretty obvious question, but I tend to overlook obvious things.. *sigh*


By the way, Mzuleft is a great area - yeah those orcs are tough, but try standing on the hill and using a bow! Worked for me! Nice character!

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Hi, Utherdoul. It's probably better to ask a new question than post in a character thread because people tend to be selective when reviewing forums and your comment may be missed. It also tnds to be frowned on as 'hijacking'. You are new so we'll let you off but check out the rules.


In answer to your question, if your major and minor skills are maxed you will not advance further in level without adopting a strategem.


You could commit crimes and go to prison because you will come out with stats lowered (a bit hit or miss though), depending on the game version you have and what your major/minor skills are you could equip the sword Fury found in Kogoruhn. (It takes your armour skills to zero in most versions). Easiest is to find, buy or enchant a ring with fortify a major or minor skill, equip it, find the master trainer in the relevant skill and train with them. Although your total is not meant to go over 100 - strangely my sneak skill is 101 - they will continue to train you indefinitely. Each time you do ten trainings you go up a level.


Some people, Saldrex for instance, use it to level up really high, when I last saw he was level 620. You don't need to go to that extreme. The max level you can get to without using the glitch is 77 so you could aim for that. The only constraint is the cost!


BTW I think Galn was referring to the orcs in Mzuleft ruin rather than those hanging around the statue of Malacath but they are all pretty tough for a low level character.

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I am fully aware of the nuances of level advancement. I may have mixed a few of them up in my post though. My stat selection is usually luck for a point, then I put my other two selections stats that dont have that high of a modifier because if I always put the stat raises in a X5 stat I would over balance the character and advance too fast. That is how I have completed the quests to become a Magician and I am only level 8. Kept the Dark Brotherhood attacks down that way too.


I was referring to the Orcs inside the ruin. Since I have a silver staff that adds 10-79 Health damage for 2 seconds with Paralyze for 2 seconds and only goes off 4 times in a combat I cant kill the orcs before it runs out of charges. Even depleting the staff, then 'firing' (pun intended) off a few Greater Fireballs they still kill me. I am going to enchant a weapon with a stronger soul so it has more than 4 "charges", plus the Silver Staff doesnt do enough damage on it's own to hurt anything. Perhaps one of the many Ebony Maces I've "acquired" off dead Ordinators would be a nice weapon :shifty:


Here is a picture of Galn and his stats. He has Duke's Guard Silver Cuirass, Imperial Silver Helm and Imperial Steel Greaves on under the robes. Gives him an armor rating of 9 right now. I've trained up all of my magic skills as far as the people in Balmora can. Can you imagine what level I'd be after adding 35 points to each of those? Thats why I left them as Misc skills. Speechcraft, Merchantile, Acrobatics, and Athletic were selected as Major.Minor for roleplaying reasons. Not really a conventional skill selection but it has worked for me in the past. I'm off now to see how far I can get in the Fighters Guild or House Hlaalu quests.



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I've trained up all of my magic skills as far as the people in Balmora can. Can you imagine what level I'd be after adding 35 points to each of those? Thats why I left them as Misc skills.

Well u have to realize that only advancing major or minor skills will cause you to level up, adding to misc skills can only give you extra stat modifiers. Just thought i'd point it out.

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I've trained up all of my magic skills as far as the people in Balmora can. Can you imagine what level I'd be after adding 35 points to each of those? Thats why I left them as Misc skills.

Well u have to realize that only advancing major or minor skills will cause you to level up, adding to misc skills can only give you extra stat modifiers. Just thought i'd point it out.

Exactly what I was saying... misc skills added a little x5 next to my Willpower and Intelligence all those levels and I didnt advance those stats at all, because I didnt want to have the character get out of hand.


He finally has attained level 15 or so, I had to do some faster advancement because he flat out sucks at combat for some reason. Maybe a staff isnt the best weapon for beating on monsters. I'm trying a different character for a bit and i'll see how she does. I'm going to specialize in combat at first with her then work on her magic and stealth. She's a Breton with Atronarch too. Different skill selection in her case though. I'll post her pics later. Off to play her now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How does one capture screenshots??? I am a seamstress and I want to sew a robe, shirt and skirt like the ones that my Breton Pyronia Pyronius (same as my screen name) wears. I also want to print out pictures of her to hang on my walls and show my friends. The more I talk about the game, the more my friends want to play it and the more they want to see what Pyronia looks like. I think she's beautiful and my husband thinks I'm nuts because she's "just a computer image". Oh well. I wish I looked as pretty as she does. Maybe I'll go on one of those extreme make over shows and get surgery to look like her. Or maybe not because that would be a sign of severe mental instablilty. Oh well. I'll quit rambling for now.
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The more I talk about the game, the more my friends want to play it and the more they want to see what Pyronia looks like. I think she's beautiful and my husband thinks I'm nuts because she's "just a computer image". Oh well. I wish I looked as pretty as she does.

You have to go into the Morrowind.ini file and change Screen Shot Enable from 0 to 1. Then, you'll be able to take screenshots. By the way, if you're geeky enough to talk about Morrowind to your friends and sew pictures of the game onto pillows and whatever, you're already hot, and I'd marry you immediately.

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I appreciate the complements, but I'm already taken. Trust me, my husband is as addicted to the game as I am. We have the game book, and he cannot put it down. I always bring my computer to work so I can play on my off time and when my husband came to visit me, he tried to take it with him. Needless to say, I stopped him dead in his tracks. He was a little sad, but I know he'll be ok!!! He is an Orc named Killer X. He likes to talk to people, kill them, and then steal their stuff and sell it. In Seyda Neen, he gave me the idea to kill the chick in the lighthouse and steal her stuff. I'm careful not to kill anyone because I always assume that they are way more powerful than me and would be able to snuff me out real quick. In fact, I modified my Breton to have 100 in all the magick arts, so the only thing that I actually practice is warfare, but I just practice on creatures. it's safer that way. I bet if Killer X and Pyronia went head to head, he'd kick her butt, but she'd put up a valiant fight and do some damage -- and she's only a level 1. Her fatigue is like 500 or something so she never gets tired. She can carry 500 no problem and she usually only carries about 120 -- even after stealing a bunch of stuff. She's really good at stealing so long as she's doing it on purpose. If she does it accidentally, she gets caught every time.




P.S. I've only been playing this game 2 weeks. My husband's friend has it for X Box and I played it at his house. He said it sucked because it was too complicated. Well, since I like challenges, I was bound and determined to figure it out. Well, needless to say, I was hooked. In fact, I was so hooked that I went out and bought the GOTY edition at Wal-Mart for my PC. And I've been hooked ever since.

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I changed ScreenShotEnable from 0 to 1. Now, how do I actually take the screenshots??? I checked all the menus and they did not have a screenshot option and all of my controls remain the same. I'll check my Morrowind book (the large one, not the one that came with the game) and see if it has any info, but I'd like a human opinion as well.













In my house dwells an Orc, a Breton and 2 Khajiits (Cats).

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