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Overhaul 3.0 fps problem


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Hi. I recently installed Overhaul 3.0 final for Morrowind and during Installation i chose "Fast" setting. When im playing Morrowind my Fps is 10. What should i do to fix this?

My computer specs:


Ati Radeon HD 5850 (Overclocked edition if i remember correctly)

Intel Core i7 930 2.80GHz



Thank you.

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Do your framerates increase if you lower your graphical settings in the game options? Or in your catalyst drivers? You need to figure out if its your gpu or cpu that is bottlenecking. Im not familiar with ATI or Intel. Open your task manager and go to the performance tab. Leave it open and play the game. After you stop playing check the graph and see if your cpu was being used anywhere close to 100%. If not then its your videocard and we can troubleshoot from there.

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