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Fallout NVSE help

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When I first got NVSE it worked fine but now when I launch it it launches through steam. There is no error or anything but I just want to know if I am actually running NVSE when I play or if I am just playing vanilla launcher cause the screen that you can check your data comes up. In NVSE the game would just launch.

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Your not launching with nvse. As far as I know, usin nvse with steam cant be done, you have to launch with nvse. If your trying to get achievements, there's a mod that will allow you to get achievment once you launch via steam (it saves what you've completed until you sign on) though I dont remember the name of it.
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From what I had explained to me by Ian, the nvse_steam_loader.dll file actually performs some hook into Steam that lets NVSE be launched when you launch through Steam. I have launched through the Steam button before and, iirc, my NVSE mods work just fine.

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