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Script Help - GetWorldspace


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In short, I have discovered that the GetWorldspace() function does NOT return the worldspace the object is in, but instead the cell it is in....how did I come to this conclusion? In short, trying to troubleshoot a Recall ability in EnaiSiaion's Aurora Doomstone mod.


His recall script uses a simple if check statement that compares this:


TargetBeacon.GetWorldspace() == akTarget.GetWorldspace()


TargetBeacon being a marker placed by the Steed Stone active effect and akTarget being of course the player.


Basically my testing went like this:


1. Step to edge of Riften cell, and use the Steed Stone active effect (which in the above mod sets a recall location).


2. Walk to opposite side of cell and use the Recall Ability (works properly and takes you back to the previously set location).


3. Repeat step 1, now walk outside of Riften cell and use the Recall Ability (does NOT work properly, the if statement fails and it says I am too far from the recall marker, even if I am standing right next to it, much closer than I was in step 2)


4. Repeat step 1, walk outside of the Riften cell then back into the Riften cell and use the Recall Ability (works properly and takes you back to the recall location).


Is there any way to properly fix this? I know I should probably wait for the author to fix it (if possible), but I like getting my hands dirty and digging into the guts of things but I simply do not know enough about Papyrus scripting and its functions to easily fix it myself.


I would like to keep his original functionality in that you have to be in the same worldspace, as it makes perfect sense to check that (and I don't know if it would break anything if you didn't lock it down to the same worldspace), but GetWorldspace most definitely does not return the actual worldspace, but the cell you are in, otherwise running from 1 cell to its adjacent cell would not affect the workings of the script.


Thoughts on this?




EDIT: Every time I say "Riften cell", I am specifically talking about the exterior cell, the one that has the stable and what not, not the interior Riften cell that contains all the Riften NPCs.

Edited by mwpeck
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