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Need help on HGEC Body mods, just not working for me


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Just spent the last 5-6 hours dowloading mods that are suppose to make the graphics smoother and sharper

I got the NMM beta version
I got the Archive invalidator

Ive downloaded 4 or 5 different mods including

HGEC Body Selector

HGEC High Rez Skin Textures
HGEC Body Seem Reducer

F-INevOblivion Skinset

I havent bothered with facials and enviroment yet as figured those would be the easiest to tell if working and they simply are not working for me

They load using the NMM (the high rez one takes like 10 minutes to load up after you have the HGEC Body Selector on) but none of it changes in game

Im wiped and out of ideas on whats going on here

Ive read the suggestions (thats where I found out about Archive Invalidator and I think I have it running right, Ive turned off the need for it completely)

Im out of ideas on getting these mods (just the 2 mentioned, I got other 2 to try a different route when first 2 wouldnt work) to work

Any help would be appreciated

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Ok I don't know precisely what "HGEC Body Selector" is supposed to be, but here is what you want to do.

FIrst of all, don't use NMM. Just don't. It does not work well with 95% of all Oblivion mods. Use either Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash (I suggest learning Wrye Bash, but whatever, you'll probably ignore this anyway)

This is what you want:

EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion

This contains the HGEC body in several variations along with the complete stock clothing and armor replacer. Install using either the OBMM installer or the Wrye Bash Wizard.

Then install the HGEC Body Seam Reducer.

Then install the Hi-Rez textures

Activate the esp files (as directed in the readmes) and make sure you sort your load order using BOSS.

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Thanks :)
Little reading up and worked like a charm !

Many thanks as really was pulling what little hair I have left out trying to figure out what wasnt working with the NMM utility!

I went with OBMM just because write up on Wrye says its got one person doing bug fixes due to real life issues on the designers.
Not sure if thats current but figured best to wait on change before tackling that

See! I do read :P hehe
Thanks again

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On the other hand no one is doing bug fixes on OBMM.

And Without Wrye Bash you can't make a Bashed Patch, which is something you will need eventually.

But like I said, everyone always ignores this advice, then comes crawling back when they have a 150 mods and don't understand why they aren't working right.

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ahhh I saw that in their write up but lucky I'm a limited mod user :)

Ill probably never hit 10 mods, much less 250 limit LOL!


But definitely strong advice for folks that are mod heavy

I just like having a few options in games when I'm able to have them.
Otherwise I stick mainly to base game mostly.

Thanks again

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