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why did this mod get removed? Companion Selene Kate


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Companion Selene Kate - Selene_v1-3-6N_CBBE-TBBP_BSA

it is a really good follower mod and i enjoy having her as 1 of 2 followers i use. but i have a problem with her shield and now the mod is no longer on nexus. so now what do i do to figure out how to fix her shield?


in this picture you can see that Selene shield is under her feet while as my other follower is on her back like it should be. i do use Dual Sheath Redux and xp32 skeleton mods. but from what that would fix this problem doesnt seem to fix it with this follower.


i really dont want to get rid of her since she is really good to have around. she uses magika and sword/shield and she has a super great heal spell she use on me and what ever follower i have with me beside the sword/armor buff she give ya as well. but i dont know how to mess with mods with tes5edit at all or other programs that are used to make mods, i just use them.

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I don't know why the author removed the Selene Kate mod, but I do however have a similar problem.

The redoran guards in my game also have their shields equipped at their feet, I don't have the Selene

Kate mod installed. Just the Dual sheath redux, so I don't think the problem is really related to the SK mod.

(I might be wrong, no gaurantees)

You might find your answers at the dual sheath redux mod, just a suggestion.


Just my 2 cents, sorry if I can't help you any further.

And shouldn't this topic be in the skyrim mod troubleshoot section?



Sorry, just me being dumb here... (It's been a long day) Ignore what I've said before....

Do you perhaps know if the SK mod used a custom skeleton?

Edited by batterij12
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I don't know why the author removed the Selene Kate mod, but I do however have a similar problem.

The redoran guards in my game also have their shields equipped at their feet, I don't have the Selene

Kate mod installed. Just the Dual sheath redux, so I don't think the problem is really related to the SK mod.

(I might be wrong, no gaurantees)

You might find your answers at the dual sheath redux mod, just a suggestion.


Just my 2 cents, sorry if I can't help you any further.

And shouldn't this topic be in the skyrim mod troubleshoot section?



Sorry, just me being dumb here... (It's been a long day) Ignore what I've said before....

Do you perhaps know if the SK mod used a custom skeleton?

oh i didnt know if this was the place to ask or not, i was thinking the mod support but thought maybe here since i would like to know why the mod is no longer here anymore. and far as if SK used a skeleton it self or not, i dont know. since i cant even go to the mod page to read up on it to see if it did or not. i do like this follower a lot since she tend to keep me healed better then the full heal potions i have, and she is much faster at it to lol. but i went back to DSR page and xp32 page to see if other have had this same problem, which i know there has been but the last 2 or so version this problem was fix. dont remember which 1 it was but i have reinstalled both mods after SK mod and still the same thing happens with her shield. but she is the obnly 1 with her shield under feet. so maybe after all SK does have a custom skeleton so i guess it over writes it. but other then i am at a lost of what to do, and she does best with her shield though. so i hate to remove it from her just so its not under her feet anymore.


just wish i could get ahold of the mod maker to find out if she knew how to fix this..

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If you have the download file, Selene_v1-3-6N_CBBE-TBBP_BSA-36374-1-3-6.7z, just uncompress into a folder. There is a comprehensive 'readme' file included. The mod installs its own \Meshes\Actors\Character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx skeleton for TBBP support, but the mod works fine for me using the xp32 Maximum skeleton.


I'd reinstall xp32 and then re-run GenerateFNIS_for_Users and see if that helps the problem.

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If you have the download file, Selene_v1-3-6N_CBBE-TBBP_BSA-36374-1-3-6.7z, just uncompress into a folder. There is a comprehensive 'readme' file included. The mod installs its own \Meshes\Actors\Character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx skeleton for TBBP support, but the mod works fine for me using the xp32 Maximum skeleton.


I'd reinstall xp32 and then re-run GenerateFNIS_for_Users and see if that helps the problem.

i use NMM for all my mod in skyrim, but i have reinstalled xp32 a few times and so far it hasnt fixed the shield yet. i did switch her normal shield with the real Auiel's shield which i can upgrade. i guess ill have to find her shield and see if that fixes it. other wise i dont know what else to try.


and that fnis , i dont have it or use it or should i?

Edited by SCAVENGER_1
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If you have the download file, Selene_v1-3-6N_CBBE-TBBP_BSA-36374-1-3-6.7z, just uncompress into a folder. There is a comprehensive 'readme' file included. The mod installs its own \Meshes\Actors\Character\character assets female\skeleton_female.hkx skeleton for TBBP support, but the mod works fine for me using the xp32 Maximum skeleton.


I'd reinstall xp32 and then re-run GenerateFNIS_for_Users and see if that helps the problem.

i use NMM for all my mod in skyrim, but i have reinstalled xp32 a few times and so far it hasnt fixed the shield yet. i did switch her normal shield with the real Auiel's shield which i can upgrade. i guess ill have to find her shield and see if that fixes it. other wise i dont know what else to try.


and that fnis , i dont have it or use it or should i?


Yes, use whichever patcher (Skyproc, SUM, etc...) you're using to patch the Dual Sheath Redux, and then run FNIS. Also, make sure your animations are close to the end of your load order. Also, make sure the XP32 you're using is for the shield on back.

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Thank you Chinese website. I managed to find the "Selene_v1-3-6N_CBBE-TBBP_BSA-36374-1-3-6.7z" file still up for download. Is it really a 120MB in size mod?

i tried the skyproc patcher, at 1st it work but after an hr of fighting/playing her shield went back to her feet once again, so i dont know what to think. since at 1st she held the shield in her hand after sheathing her sword but then i went threw a door and her shield went from her hand to her feet..


i dont remember what it was, but i use nmm to dl and install. but yeah it would be nice if the file was still on nexus




well i reinstalled duel sheath redux and that didnt help any, even deleted the patch and esp. so it had a fresh duel sheath patch esp file. and that didnt help either. but i check duel sheath mcm and uncheck the npc shield on back and now she hold the shield in her hand but when i recheck that setting the shield goes to her feet. well i guess the npc will have to hold there shields in there hands from now on.

Edited by SCAVENGER_1
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