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2 Skyrim problems


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Hi. I have 2 problems with skyrim.


1 I have a problem related with the mods. I installed mods with the NMM and when I try to play the game crashes after the bethesda logo, it crashes when the dragon on the manu appears, I tried many fixes but any1 works.


2 when I start a new game and arrive in the city with the jarl of the windelm and ralof, after the customize character menu, the game is bugged when 1 of the soldier of stormcloak is killed by the imperials and I cant do nothing.



How I can resolve it? And thank you all in advance

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The 1st one is a missing master file. It seems like one of the mods you uninstalled was required for a mod you're still using, so when the game tries to load the mods it crashes.


For the 2nd one, Helgen is notoriously touchy, so you should maybe deactivate all of your mods that don't have to do with character creation until after you get out of Helgen. I had a problem there where the dragon wouldn't land, and I don't think there's much you can do except abandon that save and try again without mods active.

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