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New Kind of Stuttering


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I've had a problem lately that seems mostly restricted to Riften. Upon traveling through a door, sometimes my sound/fps will start to stutter. This will go on for 10-20 seconds before my sound stops working. Not just in Skyrim, but sound in general, and I have to restart the PC to get any sound back. I'm fairly certain it isn't a mod, but at any rate, here's my list.







Apachii Hair

Official Hi-Res Texture Pack

Unofficial Skyrim/Dawnguard/Hearthfire/Dragonborn/Hi-Res Patch

JK Crafting Breakdown

Convenient Horses



Wet and Cold

Wet and Cold - Ashes


Convenient Crossbows

Immersive Armor

Immersive Weapons

Northern Fur Hoods



Riverwood Hunting Cabin

Proper Aiming

Realistic Room Rental

Realistic Lighting

Predator Vision

Better Stealth AI for Followers

Dual Wield Parrying - SKSE

Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition

Crimson Tide - Blood

Sit Anywhere

Interesting NPCs


UFO Dawnguard/Hearthfire

Pure Waters

In Your Shadow

Disarm Disarm

Garm Companion

Inconsequential NPCs

Unenchanted Amulets of the Divines

A Simple Marriage Mod

Random Vampire Attacks in Towns Disabled

Tairen's Layered Warpaint


Using Community Uncapper and Double Cursor Fix as SKSE plugins




I'm also using BOSS and ENB. Skyrim is updated to latest version. Graphics are set to max in everything.


PC specs:

4ghz AMD "six"-core

GTX 660

1TB HDD with 526 GB free

16GB Ram

Using Logitech G930s


Whilst playing, the only running programs are Ventrilo, Steam, Synapse 2.0, and Comodo.


I am running as administrator, and using the SKSE loader. (SKSE also being updated to current version.)

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Graphics and sound drivers are both updated to the latest version already.





Remove the Audio driver let windows put a default driver in place..... What version of your sound card driver worked ? revert to it and leave it alone... don't fix it unless it is broken.... Very old rule

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I've only ever used one version of the driver, (it doesn't seem to be updated very often, unless I've gotten horribly inept at these things and am looking in all the wrong places), and it's worked well for 100+ hours of Skyrim. I'm thinking it must be something that's loading after travel, but I've done the verify integrity game, which leaves me thinking it must be a recently installed mod, but I can't for the life of me think what could've changed something in these areas.

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