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Mods compatible with Legendary Edition?


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I bought the legendary yesterday on steam and am having problems installing any mods, most notably SKSE I follow the instructions on the read-mes and even watched youtube videos for help and can't get it working. It just gives me a message when I start up the game saying SKSE is not running.

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im new to modding but i did the same as you yesterday i bought the legendary edition on steam and i havnt had any problems with mods have you tried downloading the nexus mod manager? it is easy and its pretty starightforward after that

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Yes I have tried running different apps with and without NMM and can't get anything to run. I've tried SKSE, CBBE mod, apokalypse spells, immersive weapons and armor, and I get nothing... It's really frustrating too cuz I used to mod WoW so the concept isn't all that alien to me.. Maybe my nexus installed wrong or something..

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