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Now first of all I want to let everyone know that I have the rick tools for the Dunia, and a ridiculous amount of modding experience, at least in getting the ones created to work in my games and even making a couple extremely simple ones. But that's mainly on games very simple to do this for. Nothing like Farcry and all this .dat/.fat stuff....I know there are a couple mods out there with the ability to change the timescale, as well as reports on how to add it to your gamerprofile.xml much like you would the oblivion.ini back in the day. Sadly none of this works for me. No added lines do ANYTHING to my gamerprofile.xml and if it's an already written mod it doesn't work because either the mod comes with a BILLION extra things that completely change the game, or (and actually in most cases) it requires me to use the dunia unpacking and packing method which would be great but it won't run on my computer no matter if i try to start it with a command prompt or in any other manner recommended across the web, at least not yet. So if someone who is kind enough and has the time would be willing to simply do the unpacking and packing for me, and add the timescale option that's in the "super file 2.2" or even just add all of "super file 2.2" (it appears all the extra things I talk about not wanting are on that file, but are on a disable/enable basis) then upload it here that would be great. I don't want any other changes tho please, maybe the "better sights" mod but please, nothing else. Even if it isn't done in a manner where you enable me to customize the timescale, that's fine. But if that's the case and someone does this, just make it so a day takes at least 3 or so hours...I just want the time between dusk and dawn to be long enough to experience the night time...preferably about an hour of dark and 2 hours of day..that would be amazing.

Edited by Craytose
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Thanks man, I spent like the next day researching why the unpacker and packer wouldn't run on my pc...I guess it HAS to be command prompt or drag n' drop....finally got it tho! And this is how indeed!

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