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Mods (or something else) messed my vanilla Skyrim


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I don't know what I did wrong, but suddenly I can't ride horses, carriages or anything else, Not even turn into a werewolf, I kept pressing E but nothing happened, and when I turned into a werewolf nothing changed, But my tab menu got blocked, tho I was still Khajiit.

So I deactivated the mods I thought were guilty... Nothing, Then I came back to a previous save where I could ride... Nothing, I Uninstalled NMM, SKSE and Skyrim, Redownloaded Skyrim and it's pure vanilla... Nothing, I still can't ride, not even open my inventory.



I don't know what to do, please help.

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1. Open Steam

2. Right click on Skyrim

3. Select Properties

4. It's under "Local Files"

5. Select Verify Integrity of Game Cache.


Even with clean installs it's good to do this. Chances are one of your files is corrupt and needs replacing. Be patient as it may take awhile.

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