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Structured Skyrim


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So I've had this idea in my head for quite a while, but I have absolutely no idea where I would even start or if anyone would even be interested in it. I call it 'Structured Skyrim'


Basically the idea is to disable the ability for the player to loot gear from npcs and instead the player must find gear upgrades primarily from stores, chests, and quests.


An example would be mage quests rewarding the player with a spell or a mage robe, the harder the quest the better the reward.


The player would start with basic gear as well (perhaps just the prisoner clothing and a wooden sword), and will find upgrades from quests, stores, and dungeons


Chests have random loot except for gear and spells, these will be hand placed and not based on a leveled list


Dungeons should have unleveled monsters that are around the same level as the gear found there (so a dungeon that has an Ebony Sword as it's reward will have fairly powerful creatures in it)




So that's the basic idea, remove the random gear and spells from skyrim and make it structured, not unlike other structured games such as dark souls and zelda.


If there's any kind of demand for a mod like this I could start on it and figure out exactly how complicated it will be

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ERSO and MorrowLoot do a good job of hand placed loot. but as for disabling body looting, that could cause some problems with quests and such but I guess there would be a way to make it so that quest related corpses are lootable.

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