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Frostmoon crag quest glitch?


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Hi guys this is my first post, anyway I was playing skyrim and doing the "New source for stalhrim" quest and while on my way to thalmor dudes I was at this reikling camp and a werewolf comes up to me and says something like hey your a werewolf come meet us up at frostmoon crag so anyway i dnt pay much mind to it since its just a misc and i do like the whole dragon born side quests and then when i go up there I read that someone like rekla or something is supposed to come up to me and tell me to go away but nothing happens i talked to anyone but a dialogue box doesnt come up for anyone and also i cant open up save before i meet werewolf because i lose almost everything i've done so far and thats all my side quests so does anyone have any ideas? like how can i delete the quest and restart it without completing because i want those werewolf rings and i dont really want to use command lines to get rings and again dont suggest talking to each of them or opening last save

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