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Ay way to reverse the effects of console "Resurrect"?


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Well, I made quite a big bungle earlier today. I was rather irate as I played, and was fuming as a Lich from some mod hit me for all 988 of my Health points in one spell. In my annoyance, I opened the console, toggled on GodMode, and used the Resurrect command on myself...bad move, I know. I also saved afterwards, another grand bonehead mistake.


The consequences of Resurrecting the player are rather problematic, as well...all the quests in the game are essentially broken. Everyone in the game has the topic "Rumors," and nothing else, and the game no longer recognizes me as the player for most intents and purposes.


My question is this: without a save to revert to, is there any possible way I can fix this? I'd really rather not paste my face onto a new save file for the umpteenth time...it's becoming quite depressing...:(

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Playing with only one active save is asking to start over.


That's the reason the game allows multiple saves, I am well over 2000 saves now. With at least 6 different characters. Don't make a new save for every little thing, but do make a new save whenever you finish a quest, sell off a load of loot, raise up a level or complete something important. For minor saves, such as during a quest, keep the same save and overwrite it.


OBMM allows you to look at a save and see what mods were active when it was made. This is good for when you go back to an old save and immediately crash.

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Ah, blast.


I usually keep a good backup, but in this case the only one I have is back from when I actually re-started this one. Looks like I get to start over. Again. :dry:


Fearing the worst, I re-constructed my save last night with the console, CS, and lots of annoying levelling. I suppose this is just a lesson, eh? As for having 2000 saves...I can understand your reasoning with that, but I despise clutter in my file list; I delete any save I haven't played for over, say, two weeks. I think I may start using Wrye Bash to snapshot my games more often...


Anyway, thanks for clarifying that for me, I appreciate it. And, on the plus side, I get to re-do a bunch of fun questlines.

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