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Can't remember is the game's physics tied to fps or vsync ?


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Hi its been a while since i thouched skyrim and I can't remember if the game's physics is tied to being under 60 fps or tied to vsync... Can anyone please remind me of it ?


PS: I'm talking about how things can go flying all over the place if you run the game uncapped and without vsync, if its above 60 fps, that i remember for sure, what I can't remember is if it was tied to framerate or vsync.

Edited by strike105x
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I did look it up a bit with google, and it does seem like its framerate, but i wanted to make sure its framerate not vsync, as for my next playthrough i plan on limiting the frames to 30 and disable vsync, i can't install skyrim right now and test it which is why i asked to be sure, just to not get my hopes up in vain. Edited by strike105x
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