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The best mod request ever: Real moonlight lighting.


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So basically I think everything in Skyrim is done well but there has been no night time light alteration mods depending on the moon, showing the colours off. From Massers Red Oblivion glow to Secunda normal whitish blue glow it would have on the world.

Is it possible to set up a lighting arrangement like the sun has on Tamriel, thus giving the moons more reason to go out at night because of the beauty they possess. I'm sure it'll give vampires a more happy reason to go out in the night.

Your thoughts and comments would be much appreciated!

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It's actually one of the easiest mod requests I've seen on here. Skyrim uses 6 different climates; Bloated Man (red moon scene werewolf quest), Blackreach (underground), Kathspire (heavy fog and saturated), Sovngarde, Skyrim and Default (though I'm not sure the difference between Skyrim and default), I think they just used default as a base, seeing as it isn't used.


All it would take is for you to open up the creation kit and alter the SkyrimClimate entity to whatever you wanted. You can change the moon phases and select what brightness and colors are effecting the landscape when and where. You can also add your own weather patterns and screen effects.


If you want to get a bit more adventurous, you can also select different weather for different regions. I've done this for one of my unreleased mods, when I wanted a snow storm in that location.


Play around with it. It's really not that hard to do, and since you're keen to see it, I'm sure you'll have the time to perfect it.

Edited by Petemichaelbabicki
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