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You ever have one of those modding moments?


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I'm busy with a large interior cell that I've been working on for a few weeks. I NavMeshed the upper floor and then decide to add a new item, hit F5 to refresh and get dozens of error reports and my whole interior turns into a mass of yellow exclamation markers. My last back up was three days ago... I know, bad me... but I got the same problem when I loaded the back up esp. So after several "oh crap!"s I finally figured out what I had done. It seems I had accidentally dragged my main mesh folder into another folder when I added that new item. All is well now but I had to stop working on the thing for a while. I can live without those modding moments! Sheesh.

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Ah yes, the 'oh frell what have I done, wait, whew' moments of any digital creative endeavor. If it's any help, remember that all of this is just a virtual headache. I've got tales from non digital artists that include serious bodily harm in their 'whoops' moments (glassblowers and smiths taking several layers of skin off for example).


So there's that...


Also, whatcha working on :ohdear:

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Well I did manage to cut off the tip of my thumb while cooking a big dinner a couple of years ago so I understand those harmful whoops moments. I very much prefer a digital loss over a digit loss... *ducks* bad pun. Still the idea of 4 weeks of lost work was rather upsetting, but as you say, unimportant in the grand scheme of things.


I'm trying to create a house for the darker characters. Something I've not done before and while it is a bit of a challenge for me because I do tend to lean towards pretty, its been a lot of fun too.

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Don't get me wrong, I understand digital loss as well. Thanks to human error (mine) I've lost two books already :sweat: Still a big step up from the days when all of that work would have been typed up on copy paper, or (gods forbid) written out by hand, and a simple gust of wind or mischievious feline could have ruined it all.


I suppose I'm just having a, rather morbid, brighter side moment :happy:


Yay on the home for the darker characters though! Mine will definitely be looking forward to your work ;)

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