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MASTERFILE: Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warning

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Concerning The NAVMESH (NM) & sinking items below Z Level -30000.0000


This is "How to fix Fallout 4 CK MASTERFILE: “Mod.esp” Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warnings.""


I’m somewhat new to Modding and been redoing landscape at a couple of settlements. And when you change the landscape you have to redo the Navmesh (NM). And just as soon as you edit the NM you pretty much get this warning, MASTERFILE: “Mod.esp” Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warnings." the next time you open the file ...


I looked here and google and could not find nothing much to a solution, a few just say fix any error you see in the CK and if it don’t go away don’t worry about it.


Anyway … I had some time to tackle this and may have a solution and I would like to get some confirmation. I purposely screwed up the NM to get this error a number of times to try and resolve and thus far this is what I have come to …


This appears to happen when editing Navmesh. It’s an issue concerning errors created that are not fixed in the mod being loaded … etc. However even if you fixed all NM path errors sometimes the MASTERFILE: issue is resolved and sometimes its not!


Note: This fix is not writing out every detail … I’m assuming Modders knows how to use the CK tools and xEdit … etc.


How to fix: It appears there are 2 issues involved. 1). We screwed up somewhere editing the NM. 2). Once the error occurs the CK just can't fix it even if all errors are fixed manually. Meaning zero errors in the Warning Window concerning the NM.


I believe the CK in finalizing is screwed up and The CK just can’t fix it for some reason. But it appears in xEdit we can! If its not fixed I'm not sure what the result is ... I have some thoughts but just not sure ... what I do know is ... I don't like errors popping up!

  1. First … Repair all NM path errors that show up in Warning Window or EditorWarnings.txt file concerning your mod. Sometime they are hard to find and or hard to see but using the tools you can find overlaps, vertices, triangle and edges issues … etc. Makes sure you go through the 2 steps to finalize the Navmesh. (Tip: to get those nasty node to go green go under the ground in the cell area, then do the 2 steps to finalize). Also to note, the tool used to find the broken triangle to take you to point of error, you have to be in that cell for it to work properly.
  2. After fixing all errors in the CK … Save. No NM path issues should pop up in the warning windows after clicking the save button. Exit ...
  3. xEdit … Clean your mod and fix all unable to delete issues concerning the Navmesh.
  4. Back to CK and load the mod and see if that fixed the MasterFile window pop up? If you still get the MasterFile: error check the Warning Windows for NM path errors. Even if you use check NM they may not pop up most of the time you have to be directly in the cell for them to pop up in the Warning window. Clear the Warning windows and click the save button, if no NM path errors pop up than it’s the CK just can't fix it ... the MASTERFILE: “Mod.esp” Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warnings."". However if no path errors ... continue to next step. The MASTERFILE: error can still be fixed using xEdit! Closed CK.

In the xEdit load up the mod again. It appears to be a CK issues concerning the finalizing. It creates a record called Navigation Mesh Info Map. (See pic)

  1. In the Navigation Mesh Info Map remove 00000FF1 record save and exit. Run xEdit Auto again to make sure it removed. Note remove the record at the 00000FF1 not the Navigation Mesh Info Map. For some reason removing Navigation Mesh Info Map does not work 100% of the time.
  2. Now Load your mod again with the CK, the MasterFile error should not pop up IF you correctly resolved all NM path errors manually. If it does not pop up you just just simply save the file and exit and it will create a new Navigation Mesh Info Map. DONE
  3. If the MASTERFILE error still popped up you still have errors that were missed and need to fix manually in the CK … repeat the process.



Thus far this process appears to work in resolving this issue …



Update: A little side note that I believe may also be causing this issue. Your redoing the NM at a settlement for example, and the cell next door is out in the wilderness that you have not touched. You delete a triangle with a node connected to the wilderness, now you will have to repair all of Bethesda's Navmesh's to fix the MasterFile issues ... so don't that!!! :wallbash:


Concerning Items below Z level -30000.0000 read my Oct at 11:44 PM post

Edited by WapperJaw
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Ah I was hoping to follow this to solve my own issue with this (very good tutorial btw, many thanks!) but unfortunately I can't find the culprit. My .esp has nothing to do with NM at the moment but I gave it a shot in case I accidentally did something when I placed my character into a cell. Can't find any NM files, not sure if it has something to do with maybe the Chapel itself but this issue popped up long after I had placed him into the cell.


Okay so in the middle of writing this I doubled checked the error and the code seems to be related to the head texture somehow. Not sure what exactly since I didn't change any of the textures recently.




So apparently this actually has nothing to do with textures even though the warning was pointing toward it. What solved this for me was actually deleting the duplicated version of the CIS_RacialComments_Hancock scenes that I was trying to modify to fit my ghoul. Really goes to show, anyone who's making a companion, just do not duplicate the assets. You can refer to them but that's as far as you should go :laugh:

Edited by KatzBJ
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Sorry KatzBJ ... yes it appears you get that error for other issues. I was mainly showing how you get this error for Navmesh issues. And how I fixed it. I could not find much on the forums here or at other places ... etc. I did find a lot of modders trying to find a solution. But concerning the NM issues this appears to work every time for me and wanted other to give it a go to confirm it. If you know anybody that works on NM let them know ... Thanks for your input ...

Edited by WapperJaw
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Sorry KatzBJ ... yes it appears you get that error for other issues. I was mainly showing how you get this error for Navmesh issues. And how I fixed it. I could not find much on the forums here or at other places ... etc. I did find a lot of modders trying to find a solution. But concerning the NM issues this appears to work every time for me and wanted other to give it a go to confirm it. If you know anybody that works on NM let them know ... Thanks for your input ...

The info is good, the title and opening line a bit confusing/misleading, as an error with the navmesh is just one of many "forms which generate warnings on load".

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RoNin1971 Yea I see that now ... I made another hashtag for Navmesh ... but I could not change the title, but I added a message to informed people in the beginning its concerning the Navmesh so they don't waste their time ... Also being a noob to modding with the CK did not know you could get that error for other issues till KatzBJ reply ...

Edited by WapperJaw
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  • 2 months later...

Update: After making more mods and editing the Navmesh which creates this errors ... thus far this method has worked every time to resolve this issue. Sometimes I can make the error go away by fixing all the NM errors. If I can't make it go away then I just remove the NM info Map record 00000FF1.

Edited by WapperJaw
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  • 1 month later...

MASTERFILE: Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Check the EditorWarnings.txt file for <CURRENT> warning


Found another reason for this error. When sinking items to low I got this error. I had many items pretty low Z level -30000.0000. When I brought them above -30000.0000 the error went away. Why -30000.0000? I don't know ... what I do know if you delete an item in the CK, then run xEdit it restore that item and disable it, but it restores it at Z level -30000.0000. I figure it knows something I don't.


Hmmmm ... Why does it say check EditorWarning.txt? It doesn't tell you what the error is . It should say MASTERFILE: Contains forms which generated warnings on load. Figure it out and don't let it happen again ...

Edited by WapperJaw
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>> what I do know if you delete an item in the CK, then run xEdit it restore that item and disable it, but it restores it at Z level -30000.0000. I figure it knows something I don't


So it is xEdit that does this? It makes sense to me now :wink:

I have had this jet inhaler 10000 units above the ground for a while. I delete it and sometimes the inhaler resurrected later.


I think CK do a soft delete on the record. Then on the next time the mod is loaded CK nukes the records flagged for deletion.

I guess xEdit have not implement the nuke-records-marked-for-deletion function or somehow resets the 'deleted' flag.


Next time try load the mod with deletions in CK before loading it to xEdit.

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