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A Few Things I'm Trying to Do...


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There are a few things I'm trying to mod in Far Cry 3, but can't locate the files for or otherwise don't know how to change. If you know where any or all of these are, it'd be greatly appreciated!

1. I'm attempting to convert the P416 and AK-47 into single-fire weapons, but the sound file is set up to loop, and changing to SingleShot doesn't stop the sound from looping. I need to locate the sound files for these weapons so I can (hopefully) remove the loop cue points in the sound file (a current workaround is to use the files from the 6P9, but I'd like the actual weapon sounds if at all possible).

2. I'm also trying to change the ACOG sight to resemble a sniper's crosshair. I need to know where the image file is located so I can replace it with my own file created in Photoshop.

3. I want to decrease the damage from frag grenades and the grenade launcher so that vehicles don't explode outright. I want an effect more similar to shooting a vehicle with an explosive arrow - there is a blast, and the occupants are usually killed, but the vehicle itself doesn't actually explode (this is mostly for realism more than anything else, since in real life, a jeep hit with a grenade wouldn't usually explode in a huge fireball).

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1. I'm attempting to convert the P416 and AK-47 into single-fire weapons, but the sound file is set up to loop, and changing to SingleShot doesn't stop the sound from looping. I need to locate the sound files for these weapons so I can (hopefully) remove the loop cue points in the sound file (a current workaround is to use the files from the 6P9, but I'd like the actual weapon sounds if at all possible).

It's either inside a .spk file or a SBAO file. If it's the latter, you're out of luck as there is no program to convert it back. If it's .spk file, then you'll have to dig for it. It's either in the common\soundbinary or fc3_main\soundlibrary for .spk files. SBAO files are in sound.dat.


They're not loop cue points per se. When you "start" firing an automatic weapon, it plays the sndStartAutoBulletShot sound file. When you let go of the trigger, it plays the sndStopAutoBulletShot sound file. The one you're interested in is the sndSingleBulletShot (it's set as 0xFFFFFFFF which is null). What you want to do is take the Start and Stop sound files and combine them into a new file*. How to add a whole new variable (i.e. 0x001035CD) is outside my scope. You'll have to teach yourself that.


*Open the Start and Stop sound files for the respective weapon in an audio editing program like Audacity (after you convert the spk files of course). Place them together so that they're seamless. Save it as a new sound file.


2. I'm also trying to change the ACOG sight to resemble a sniper's crosshair. I need to know where the image file is located so I can replace it with my own file created in Photoshop.





3. I want to decrease the damage from frag grenades and the grenade launcher so that vehicles don't explode outright. I want an effect more similar to shooting a vehicle with an explosive arrow - there is a blast, and the occupants are usually killed, but the vehicle itself doesn't actually explode (this is mostly for realism more than anything else, since in real life, a jeep hit with a grenade wouldn't usually explode in a huge fireball).


Frag_Grenade and 40mmGrenade


Find: <field name="selStimType" type="Enum">Explosion</field>

Change the fLevel to a lower value.

Raise the fLevel on the Generic stim type.


I have never tried it so it's only in theory. I know for a fact that the AMR uses a high value under the explosion stim, which explains why vehicles explode so quickly and why enemies are sent flying as if they were struck with an explosive round.



Note: if it is not found in patch.dat, then extract the entire contents of fc3_main and save the files into patch.dat.

Edited by brncao
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