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Airstream Levitation Spell --> Dishonored's blink; sound and v


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I have a request regarding the Airstream Levitation spell.


My goal is to have a spell like Dishonored's blink, which is already functionally done by this spell elegantly. There are just a couple things I would love to have tweaked, if someone would be so kind. It'd be a great service to Dishonored fans, too. I've asked the author about whether he'd be interesting in partaking in the endeavor himself, but he seems to have been away from the Nexus for quite some time.


With the Airstream Levitation spell:

  • Replace the purple conjuration portal effect with the white spectral conjuration portal effect.
  • Replace the in-hand visual effects to something that matches said spectral conjuration portal
  • Replace the casting and execution sounds. I can provide four of these. Two for the casting, two for the execution of the blink.

If you want to go the extra mile, if possible/viable:

  • Add Whirlwind Sprint's visual UI overlay effect, that which you see whilst rushing forward with the shout
  • Increase the player's travel speed with Airstream Levitation's effect
  • Increase the travel speed of Airstream Levitation's projectile
  • Remove the spell's casting charge-up.
Edited by Betwixt
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