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How to run Toolbox and Warspace


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Title pretty much says it all. I'm running into the unexpected file size error when trying to run ToolBox and Warspace. I'm on Patch 3 with Slingshot DLC enabled, running the proper version of ToolBox that supports patch 3. Anyway, by itself, Warspace works fine, just every option in Toolbox is disabled. Anyone else run into similar problems?

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You might have better luck getting an answer by taking this question to the Warspace Extension file thread.


I haven't tried this combination, but I haven't seen anything about "the unexpected file size error", so don't know just what you are referring to. At a guess, perhaps you mean the SHA hash check fails? In that case, you need to apply the ToolBoks "hash fix" option.


But you are indicating that ToolBoks buttons are all disabled. That doesn't make much sense, as it is independent of any mods. More likely it's installed incorrectly and can't find the game. It needs to be re-installed. I install mine in a completely separate folder under yet another separate folder for all my add-on tools in the XCOM install path, called "Addons". So my path is "E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Addons\ToolBoks". It was able to find the game without problems.


In general you want to install a major overhaul mod like Warspace first, test, then individual mods that only change small things but one at a time, test, then apply ToolBoks. You might apply Toolboks between individual small mods to fix the hash as well. The key point to remember is that the last mod to change any particular element of the game, wins over any previous changes to that same element.



Edited by dubiousintent
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I realise people are using the UPK files distributed by Warpsace and similar overhaul mods as a means to update pirated versions of the game.


If this doesn't affect you, verify game files in Steam, install Warspace, download latest version of ToolBoks and everything should work fine. If not, post a screenshot of the error message or explain what it says in more detail :smile:

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