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Oblivion on max, but Skyrim on Low?


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I don't think he's trying to be :confused:


Someone has already ready mentioned how 'PCSkyrim vs ConsoleSkyrim' compares to 'PCOblivion vs ConsoleOblivion', and that there is a big difference. Skyrim all modded out is really quite demanding! I wouldn't be suprised at the difference you're getting really. And graphics card does make a big difference - I think that's the point he's trying to make. I have similar specs to you and my computer is 4 years old! I don't think you can compare the two games because they run on the same generation console.

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Yeah. =/ I get that video cards make a huge difference. I just got frustrated because there's not a whole lot I can do about a GPU on a laptop, so telling me it sucks does me absolutely no good, which does no one any good that's taking the time to read and/or post (himself included). Aside from rigging up an eGPU, I'm pretty limited in what I know to do without building a desktop and I really don't want to get into that since I'm a poor college student with virtually 0 income to put into this (the game was a gift) until I can find a summer job (and summer is going by fast).

So...is there anything aside from hardware changes that I can do to at least improve stability of the game without going below Medium textures? I'm running on High textures with a consistent 25-30 fps now, luckily. I can max out light and actor distance and maintain it, but I haven't tried any larger scale events/fights yet (though I doubt that would change anything since I've added interior fog/smoke disabling mods that claim to have helped, but the fog is still there, so I'm assuming they're just not working. I found a tweak guide that showed me how to add multi-core hyper threaded support into the init files, but that did nothing noticeable, which I found strange considering I've read that Skyrim doesn't typically support it out of the box (so I figure it's not working, multi-core hyper threaded support in my GPU control panel was already accomplishing this, or it just wasn't needed to begin with).

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  • Remove any mods and texture replacers
  • Remove any ini tweaks you might have done to make stuff look nicer
  • Set all details in game to Low
  • Make sure FXAA, AA, AO, AF is disabled in game and on driver level
  • Set resolution lower
  • Turn off shadows completely
  • Open Skyrim.ini in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim and set this value



  • ...make sure Windows is not using resources
  • ...more here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1012440-game-play-issues/
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Other more advanced tweaks would be to replace the game's LODs by lower resolution ones (decrease distant details, for instance this mod has a Performance setting:


> HQLODs - Normals Original

> HQLODs - Textures Original -- 128 version (vanilla Skyrim uses 256, which is 4 times bigger)



Or use HiAlgoBoost Free version ( http://www.hialgo.com/main.html ) which reduces resolution when moving.


Perhaps your memory is shared, and even tho your laptop says '2GB' it might need to be set in the BIOS to actually address 2GB. Not sure, I do not know the 610M really.

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Thanks for the helpful input, Prod. I'll have to look into the VRAM thing more in-depth for sure. I still feel like there's more I can do without sacrificing more quality.

All I'm saying is I feel like if the GPU can run Crysis 2 (a game that's supposed to be much more hardware intensive, right?) like this on a similar laptop, it shouldn't have so much trouble with Skyrim:

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There's a huge difference in Crysis 2 (indoor game, no large landscapes, no million of scripts running, no high detailed textures, different engine, different DirectX) and Skyrim...


You cannot compare those really...



Try and run the game windowed ... like 800x600 resolution, does that run? That should run just fine...

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I mean it runs, yeah. And it's like 800x450 or some weird res, btw. I get about 45 fps that way, even with high textures, iirc. It's just...so small. My goal is to play at around 30-40 fps with settings reasonably close enough to that of my Xbox version so I don't feel like I'm downgrading in order to use mods. And it's hard to appreciate the game on low settings or in a tiny little window like that. You know? But I don't know if I'm going to get that. Skyrim Config definitely helps make tweaking a lot more convenient though, if nothing else.

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