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[WIP] simple dress


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I guess I can call it a W.I.P. now that it seems to be getting somewhere, now I just need to figure out the stuff that I need to do to make it actually work in game. It is my first time doing any 3d mesh work / texturing work so I am sort of winging it and reading tutorials as I go.



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Well, firstly you have to chop the model up into 4 separate parts called Upperbody (which includes the torso and the legs), Arms (which includes the Right arm and the Left Upper arm, it excludes the lower left arm) Pipboy on (arm model when the pip boy is on) and Pipboyoff (arm when the pipboy isnt on)


set up like in this picture. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/tyokio...INREFERENCE.jpg

(you can actually get away without any dismemberment information at all)


once its set up like that, you then you need to import the nif skeleton (you will need a bsa extractor), which can be found in the meshes.BSA file in characters/_male/skeleton.nif. Then in the modifier list add the one called "Skin" then in its options click the button titled ADD next to the text "Bones". then select the bones from the list (I listed which bones in the image I linked earlier (The one titled "right arm" refers to the mesh called "ARMS") to each mesh.


After that you will then have to play around with the envelopes (they can be activated when you press the "edit envelopes" button at the top. You may find that max has assigned alot of influence to particular bones. Selecting bones from the list of attached bones (in the skin modifiers options) will show what parts of the mesh are rigged to what. you'll see little grey squares attached to the envelopes and when you select the squares you can then alter the amount of influence that bone has on the mesh.


because I've rigged a few tests to this model I know exactly which bones max will give too much influence on so look out for the bones listed below.


L UpArmTwistBone

R UpArmTwistBone

R foretwist

L Foretwist



when I rigged my models I just modified the envelopes to take all the influence away from those bones.


you can also add influence to specific vertices by checking the box next to the text "vertices" and then clicking the spanner icon down by the weight table (you have to scroll down the skin modifier list to find it) then you select the vertex you want to modify and then press any of the buttons depending on how much influence you want.


from left to right

0 = no weight at all

1 = rigged 10% to selected bone

25 = 25% rigged to the bone

5 = 50 % rigged

75 = 75% rigged

9 = 90% rigged

1 = 100% rigged


if you select something like 25% to one vert then you will need to select the bone next to it and select the same vert and apply a 75% one. However max might do this automatically.


Save before doing the next step.


After you've rigged it and tested to see if the mesh bends ok, you can then export as a nif. You may need to go into nifskope and check the alpha settings of the meshes by clicking the NiMaterial properties and making sure the slider next to the alpha is on the right side instead of the left. once that’s done you can then either add it in geck or you can extract an existing uniform from the Meshes BSA to your Data/meshes directory and replace that extracted nif file with your own one. this will load your nif instead of the one from the bsa folder in game. Then you can load the game and see if the model works well, if all goes well you can also test how well your model is rigged by making the character walk around and kneel down to test that all the vertices are doing what they're supposed to be.



I wrote this really quick so If you further explanation on particular steps just ask c:

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at the moment I'm doing it without dismemberment to keep it as simple as possible for my brain to cope with. now I have imported the skeleton and started "labelling" the bones, I am a little unsure of how to differentiate the twist bones and the the other bones, eg r forearm and r forearm twist... btw cheers for your help, I'm slowly figuring this all out lol.
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Have made a mesh for another one, I can not for the life of me get my brain around the actual skeletal working to get it in game, I also tried modding an existing .nif in nifskope but I keep failing, I am obviously doing something wrong, and now my brain hurts, so I am currently uploading the WIP to nexus with the hope that someone can figure it out for me (I would be hugely appreciative if someone did take the time out to fix my errors / make it work, as I clearly lack the cranial capacity for the job...)


Anyway here is a screen shot of the other dress...




Cheers in advance for any helpers, and cheers to the people that have helped and attempted to help my sorry brain so far...

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I feel im nearly there (i have got one dress in game) however, the mesh is completely screwed up in game, it looks fine in 3dsmax, and fine in nifskope, yet in game it is munted, same with another mod im working on. anyway here are screen shots, maybe someone knows what is happening...





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check which bones the verts are being influenced too, make sure that no nodes or the bones I mentioned have any influence on the model at all. It looks to me that some of the verts have been put in the right place but as for the others it seems its not sure what to do with them.
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cheers, your help has been invaluable so far tyokio, :)


although i have a problem, when i want to edit envelopes etc, all the options are greyed out, even though i have selected the bone, and clicked edit enveloped, here is a screen shot, im guessing i have failed to enable something or something like that, just not sure of what though



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