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Any way to bypass introduction to marriage yet?


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The one and only man (no women, only man, the one man, the one and only man, in the one town, the only town, the only tavern the one and only marriage man, the one and only local no, no wo.. just ...man...you get the point, oh god at least i hope you do) in the whole of Skyrim able to hold a marriage ceremony.


Maramal the marriage man... *feels*gorge*rising* ... Argh, fine.


The only place in the whole of Skyrim to hold marriage ceremonies... *eyes*crossing*wipes*away*mop*sweat* ... Ugh, ok.


Having to go to Riften at any point just to 'learn' how to propose marrige... Uhzdnhiqaau, *soetmhign*m'i*haed*sdappne* ... too... much...


Anyone have a working work around? Like a simple setstage questID or something so I may receive marriage dialogue with an amulet of Mara equipped... *shakes*fist*unconvincingly*mumble*convoulted*equippment*slot*grumble* ...without talking to him first?


Currently I'm playing a farmer who is a native.


I'm not the Dragonborn, I'm not a plate wearing death defying warrior, I'm not an untrustworthy mage in their "fancy robes", I'm not a merchant kitty chasing butterflies from stable to stable, I'm not a supper not so secret assassin constantly sending out death squads everywhere with notes in their possession clearly outlining the existence of my organization, I'm not a master thief who actually spends 7.2% of my time very publicly bullying market traders, 68.5% dealing with perfectly legal but slightly backwards real-estate deals, 24.1% dungeon diving oh and 0.2% actually thieving. oh, also, did I mention I'm a man, a local man, not a dog, nor do I wear an abundance of charcoal scrapings around my eyes or glow in sunlight.


I'm just a farmer that sells my produce through my local shop for local people, the recent influx of strangers the war has brought do not understand us, our customs, our local ways, there's nothing for these strangers here.


I've met a fine woman, a widow much as myself being a widower who lives across the valley and works the local mill. For local people. Try as i might for some inexplicable reason (cause you've not talked to blandNPC#489 yet) I seem incapable of making my honourable intentions known despite being born and raised on these lands, I'm local I know how to display my intentions with the symbol of Mara.


I do not want to go to Riften on the other side of the country (Yes I know if only takes ten minutes to walk there but that's another complaint altogether) for any reason other than the arrangement and proceeding ceremony, I (my character) has no need, desire or even the remotest reason to go to Riften and I'm more than a little tired of coming up with horrendously tenuous anti-rp motivations for rp characters to go out of their way to do anything.


TLDR: Sorry, I think I started to literally get hysterical there...no not the good l o l type of hysterical, the original meaning, as in hysteria...


At minimum a simple setstage questID would be very welcome if such a simple method exists.


*Marriage*at*any*dammed*temple*grumble*the*wife*mumble*not*even*mentioning*the*...at best. *starts*to*twitch*

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