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ENB problems


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The story is. I got a new pc the other day to replace laptop I have, I installed new vegas on the new computer and I wanted to use an ENB with it since i now have a computer that can. The problem is I cant get it to work.


I tried it with both enbseries 1.50 and 1.61; neither work and both have different issues. I am fairly certain I installed them correctly and i have turned off anti-aliasing as you're supposed to.


With 1.50 in game everything looks really grayed out and desaturated and there are these weird beams of light filling the screen, basically the whole thing looks really weird and it's obvious it's not working properly.


With 1.61 when I try and start the game with the launcher i get a message saying "This program can't start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing from your computer" the launcher then opens anyway and when i start the game the ENB is simply not working. Trying to start the game in fallout mod manager just causes the game to crash straight away.


I tried it out on my laptop, installing it the same way and using the same settings and it works fine; apart from the really low frame-rate, so now i just have no idea...

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