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My character is so dark at daytime


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I have googled and searched for a solution, but found nothing. So I am gonna try my luck here.


My problem is that when my character is wearing a armor which is very dark/black, or is riding the horse from whiterun, I look like a stick of charcoal. I can't see any detail on the armor or anything. I just downloaded armor of intrigue and it's no fun at all to use it becaus when I go to 3rd person all I can see is the leather straps which stands out from everything else which is pitch black.


I tried with contrast/brightness, but it only screws everything else up. And I am not using any ENB, just Immersive Saturation boost. I have the same problem even with no mods installed. It looks ok at night time and in caves.


Is there anyone who knows how this can be fixed? Or a mod I have overlooked that might make it better?


Thanks in advance!

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I'm afraid I don't have a solution but I had the same problem! I was playing a dark grey Khajiit with some fur armour and even in good light, the details of my character weren't even visible because it was so dark!


I ended up removing all lighting, weather and such mods and rerolling a nord to see if it looked better. It does, and also my old Khajiit looks better now for some reason :/

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Thanks for reply :)


I tried running it vanilla, but it's still like this. What bugs me is that I see all these screenshots being taken where you can easily see the details on the armor/horse/player. Guess maybe it's the ENB. Any tips on this would be appreciated :)

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