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Crash to Desctop


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I've really odd issue with my skyrim game latelty. Here it is:

Game keep on crushing all the time, without known to me reason.

I've noticed that after each patch/update it just kept going worse.
Here is the list of elements of my client:


CPU: AMD Athlon 6000+ X64 Dualcore 3,0 GHz

RAM: 2GB 800 MHz DDR2

GPU: GeFroce GT 9600

MB: Asus M2N-MX


Temperatures during game play:
CPU: 35 *C

GPU: 39 *C



Win 7 X86 SP1 (32bit)

Skyrim( :cool: :
Main Data,

Dawnguard, | \

HeartFire, | > DLC

DragornBorn| /

Unofficial Patch for:
- Skyrim

- Dawnguard

- Heartfire

- Dragornborn


HD Texture pack for armors, blood, hair, eyes, skin.

Few other item adding mods that I like(all updated constantly).

Ceri follower mod.



I don't know why but it keeps crushing after 10 ~ 30 minutes of gameplay, without any FPS drop. Game just freezes and exits to desktop. I really like this game but it has it's own way to piss me off. My HDD is healthy (scanned), CPU and GPU are not damaged, nor malfunctioning. I'd be very greatful for tips, guides, or anything that would help me.

Edited by Kain666PL
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what else have you modded on your game? Skyrim ini files? Can you post a full list of your mods comming from BOSS ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/ ) BOSS will attempt to sort your load order - so take care if you know this is sensitive to changes, you might have to switch stuff back and manually order a few unrecognized mods afterwards! Perhaps even an extract of your Papyrus logs ( how to create: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/740217-papyrus-script-errors-and-warnings-discussion/ - 1st post has the details )


Where do the CTD happen, outside world, inside, loading screen, can you repeat the crash in the same spot/close area - or are they random, are there any other odities around (eg. missing textures on objects), any other relevant information...


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