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Problems getting started on Skyrim for PC


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I have spent hours reinstalling and mucking around with all the setting and I still can't even get started with this game. I hope that someone here can help me.


What happens is that I start it and it goes through the intro with the dragon statue bit and the only sound I get is a couple of drumrolls or something at the start and from then on there is no sound at all.

After that it starts with me in the cart with the other prisoners....still no sound at all, no music, no speech. I also tried turning on subtitles but none showed up...just a long quiet ride to the town.

When we get to the town the carts stop and then everyone just sits there....nothing at all happens...everyone sits there looking at each other.

The whole time all that I can do is look around.....it isn't frozen or anything it just doesn't work.


I have tried everything....reinstalled the whole program...which takes forever... resetting my playback devices (ie: sound), reinstalled directx, reinstalled all my drivers, rechecked all my pc's specs which are fine for it.


This has driven me crazy for 2 days now. Someone please help me!

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hey ... that sucks ...


Any more details you can share?...


You have an official version of the game (off steam)?

Installed any mods from this site? (which ones - list and load order)

If you have mods installed - did you order them correctly and installed them by the directions on the mod page instead of randomly activating mods in a mod management tool you might have?

About the sound; do you have Skyrim - Sounds.bsa in your Skyrim\Data folder?

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