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Transform into a Dremora Lord


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Looking for some one to make a small mod to transform into a Dremora Lord.


Example Age of Conan class herald of xotli. Which can Transform into a Demon form for Melee.



I want to play a robe mage that can transform into a dremora lord, with 2 hand sword in hand ready to go. Spell would last like 2 mins, get all the stats of a normal NPC dremora lord that you would summon your self. I can see the spell working just as the normal Summon spell in skyrim already.


If you can help that be great thanks.

Edited by sempars
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I think it's a cool idea, hopefully someone will make it. But for the time being can I perhaps make a suggestion?

There is a mod called Polymorphy - by Tilokan1337


It basically lets you transform into any creature you see fit, I haven't tested it myself on a dremora lord. But I

don't see why it shouldn't work. You could just pop up a dremora lord (Through console commands or summon one)

and absorb him, it will allow you then to turn into one. You will however just have your own perks and things, I think..

It isn't much, but a nice replacer until someone will actually make this mod.

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