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Nocturnal AfterDeath mod


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The idea i have for a mod like this is that if you decided to sell your soul to Nocturnal if you die you goto into her realm of oblivion and perhaps have a sidequest to get your soul back be resurrected? Anyone think this would be cool?

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It would indeed. If only I had the skill.. :smile:




Three questlines depending on which Nightingale Blessing you are (Shadow, Subterfuge, Strife), that are unique and can only be done once unless you switch blessing after your resurrection, which, in turn means you get "3 lives". Each questline will be relevant to whatever blessing you have. (Reasoning behind this would be that Nocturnal would want to make good use of her best, eh? :wink:)

  • Shadow - A 2 minute puzzle, in which you need to sneak past opponents and eventually incriminate a target by planting an item on his body. After 2 minutes you'll shine up like a beacon and everyone will instantly attack you as you're paralyzed, leading to your definitive death.
  • Subterfuge - Use a whisper spell to call out to the dead. The goal is to find out which one of the dead lingering NPCs are a thief who and whose victims died on a mission (house burnt down, or something), as soon as you find the thief, he'll retreat and return to Nocturnal. Whispering to the wrong target will have them alert the others, then turn on you and kill you.
  • Strife - Feed it by deploying a tentacle at its 5 victims without being seen. If the tentacle, or you, are noticed, the hunted will become the hunter, eventually killing the tentacle, failing your mission, and then killing you.



Edited by Halendia
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